No Meters on our Wells!
Fighting for your WATER against the Greedy Utility Companies.
Honored by Active Duty Servicemen and Veterans. Awarded the Patriot and coveted Seven Seals Awards from ESGR.
Speaking towards good government and relations. Building relationships for a bright future in Pahrump, Nye County.
Commissioner Leo Blundo is Chairman of the Regional Transportation Commission and continually looks to bring grants and NDOT project money towards improving our county roads.
The overall road budget of roughly 3.9 million dollars manages 18,503 sq miles of road. I am working on a long term solutions to improve the road quality in Pahrump, and Nye County.
As Chairman, I prioritized fixing potholes. We have completed over 1,153 road repairs based on the public submissions.
As a local business owner Leo sees first hand the effects of growth in Pahrump. Infrastructure is the backbone of doing business whether it be commercial or residential. We need to focus on the delicate balance of responsible, sustainable growth.
As Commissioner, I have voted to protect the Public's Health, Welfare, and Safety. I have written and voted on code language that protects our Rural Identity that our community knows and loves and protected against county bureaucrats who wanted to create the "Nye County HOA codes" against the will of the people.
My door is open and I want to listen to you. As your Commissioner, I will be hand in hand with my constituents to provide an open door policy as communication IS the key. I will keep our constituents involved and engaged with current events. Lets discuss the issues together. From there we can find reasonable solutions. My cell is: 702-595-2269
I deeply thank you for your VOTE and continued support!
Nye County Commissioner Leo Blundo District 4
All politics is local politics.
Your donation is critical of getting Leo's message out to everyone in District 4. Show Leo he has your support. Give today, looking at tomorrow.
This website is paid for by Leo Blundo for Nye County Commissioner District 4.
Copyright © 2017 Leo Blundo for Nye County Commissioner District 4 - All Rights Reserved.